AKR Corporindo (AKRA IJ) (Buy) - Stealth buyback amid short-term hiccups

Plantation JT GH 597 28th Oct, 2024

AKRA delivered weak 9M24 result as expected, due to the weak trading business as a result of declining purchasing power (PMI below 50 in three straight months) - as highlighted in our report (see here). However, we also highlight that the controlling shareholder has been buying back AKRA stocks using dividends received. Indeed, we note that approximately 46% of dividends received from the company has been used to buy back the stock, suggesting a high level of confidence from management.

Recap for 9M24 results:

Gross profit level for 9M24:

1) Trading business at IDR1.7tn (-22% yoy), due to a shift in the consumer segment amid weak purchasing power, and

2) Industrial estate at IDR549bn (+5% yoy) with land sales of 34ha in 9M24 vs 30ha in 9M23. We expect 4Q24F at 70-80ha.

Utilities revenue for 9M24 jumped 3x to IDR176bn vs 9M23 at IDR49bn as Freeport (unlisted) started operation. We expect utilities to contribute c.6% of FY25F gross profit.

Significant cumulative stealth buyback

Since 2020 to date, AKRA has disbursed a total IDR6tn of dividend (average payout 66%) of which IDR3.6tn has been distributed to the controlling shareholder. During the same period, controlling shareholder has bought back IDR1.6tn of AKRA shares, equivalent to 6% of the company’s sharesand represented 45% of the dividends payout. We view this as positive and a sign of high confidence from controlling shareholder.

Short-term hiccups, but maintain Buy

In our view, potential catalysts in 2025F include: 1) utilities revenue in industrial estate ramping up, contributing c. 6% of gross profit; and 2) government measures to reduce subsidy (see here) to open more market for AKRA. Our TP of IDR1,900 is derived from SOTP methodology. For it's trading and distribution business, we value it using a target P/E of 10x. For its manufacturing & logistics and utilities business, we value it using DCF with a WACC of 10% and terminal growth of 2.5%. Its industrial estate business is valued using a discount to NAV of 30%.

Fig. 1: AKRA — results table

AKRA IJ (IDR bn)2Q233Q232Q243Q24q-q %y-y %9M239M24y-y%% Ours% Cons
Revenue    8,896   10,123        8,839        9,96213%-1.6%      29,977      28,612-4.6%70%71%
Trading & distribution    8,465      9,441        8,144        9,13312%-3.3%      27,918      26,301-5.8%  
JIIPE          65         290           285           32815%13%           903        1,00111%  
Land Sales             -         231           192           177-7.8%-23%           713           686-3.7%  
Utilities          15           10             44           101131%909%              49           176259%  
GP        740      1,062           690           76911%-28%        2,872        2,353-18%59%49%
Trading & distribution        652         863           478           61228%-29%        2,232        1,734-22%  
JIIPE          71         107           190             58-70%-46%           431           410-4.9%  
Others        581         756             98           497405%-34%        1,801           913-49%  
EBIT        546         806           478           53612%-33%        2,163        1,667-23%54%45%
EBITDA        657         947           607           6578.3%-31%        2,512        2,132-15%60%53%
Pretax        561         850           502           5509.7%-35%        2,223        1,816-18%50%49%
NP        424         679           408           46614%-31%        1,710        1,469-14%55%52%
Margins %2Q233Q232Q243Q24  9M239M24   
GP8.3%10.5%7.8%7.7%  9.6%8.2%   
Trading & distribution7.7%9.1%5.9%6.7%  8.0%6.6%   
JIIPE108%37%67%18%  48%41%   
Others159%193%24%123%  156%75%   
Pretax6.3%8.4%5.7%5.5%  7.4%6.3%   
NP4.8%6.7%4.6%4.7%  5.7%5.1%   
Balance sheet IDR bn2Q233Q232Q243Q24       
Cash    4,574      6,481        4,832        4,654       
Total asset  25,430    28,806      28,498      29,776       
Total debt    4,380      4,221        4,889        4,503       
Equity (excl minority)  10,985    10,694      11,317      10,754       
Net debt (cash)      (195)    (2,260)             57          (151)       
ROE % ttm23%24%24%24%       
Gearing (x)         0.4          0.4            0.4            0.4       
Net gearing/(cash), x     (0.01)      (0.17)          0.00        (0.01)       
Note:  Cons number is using Bloomberg consensus estimates
Source: Company data, Bloomberg Finance L.P., Verdhana estimates


Fig. 2: Quarterly utilities revenue

Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 3: Quarterly trading business gross profit (nominal)

Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 4: Share buybacks by owner

Dividend AKRA Rp bn          493          572       1,480       2,467          985       5,997
Owners' Rp bn          296          343           888       1,480          591       3,598
Total shares #mn          118          183           102           186          683       1,271
Total share purchase Rp bn             66          121           114           261       1,074       1,637
Avg price          564          663       1,117       1,407       1,572       1,288
% of dividend22%35%13%18%182%45%
Source: Company data, Verdhana research

A rating of ‘Buy’, indicates that the analyst expects the stock to outperform the Benchmark over the next 12 months. A rating of ‘Neutral’, indicates that the analyst expects the stock to perform in line with the Benchmark over the next 12 months. A rating of ‘Reduce’, indicates that the analyst expects the stock to underperform the Benchmark over the next 12 months. A rating of ‘Suspended’, indicates that the rating, target price, and estimates have been suspended temporarily to comply with applicable regulations and/or firm policies. Securities and/or companies that are labelled as ‘Not Rated’ or ‘No Rating’ are not in regular research coverage. Benchmark is Indonesia Composite Index (‘IDX Composite’). A ‘Target Price’, if discussed, indicates the analyst’s forecast for the share price with a 12-month time horizon, reflecting in part of the analyst’s estimates for the company’s earnings, and may be impeded by general market and macroeconomic trends, and by other risks related to the company or the market in general. 

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Target price
IDR 1,900
Closing price
25 October 2024
IDR 1,410

Jupriadi Tan (jupriadi.tan@verdhana.id) 

Gerald Hugo (gerald.hugo@verdhana.id)