Astra International ASII IJ - Buy - Assessing the drivers of Astras profit
In autos, as discussed in our previous Anchor Report, Shifting gears —
Automobiles n Components JT GH 744 1st Nov, 2024
ASII reported 3Q24 results, with revenue at IDR86tn (+10% y-y) and NPAT of IDR10tn (+21% y-y), as soft 4W auto performance was offset by strong contributions from fincos and United Tractors (UNTR IJ, Not rated). Associates’ income (IDR7.8tn, +7% y-y) played a crucial role in supporting the bottom line, offsetting continued challenges in the 4W segment. We believe the strong 2W segment stemmed from being a beneficiary of downtrading, and low-cost-green-car (LCGC) buyers shifting to the high-end motorcycle segment (see our channel checks in Nusantara report here).
Non-operational — q-q profit contribution:
Astra’s net profit grew from IDR8.4tn in 2Q24 to IDR10tn in 3Q24, of which we attribute some to the non-operational segment: 1) fair value of investment gain at roughly c.IDR400-500bn (GOTO IJ [Buy], HEAL IJ [Buy], etc) and 2) FX gain of IDR1.1tn. Excluding these two non-operational gains, Astra’s overall net profit remained flat q-q, but we deem that to be slightly positive given the overall weak auto market.
Results recap 3Q24:
● Auto segment: Overall auto profit declined 7% y-y, buffered by 2W profit growth of +20% y-y to IDR2tn vs 4W profit -62% y-y to IDR545bn (back to the 1Q21 level).
● Fincos: NPAT grew +11% y-y to a record-high of IDR 2.1tn, benefiting from resilient demand in vehicle financing.
● UNTR: NPAT record high was supported by overall improvement in its business segments.
● Associates' income: Record contribution at IDR2.7tn (+4% y-y) — thanks to Astra Honda Motor’s (AHM, unlisted) record profit, which in our view, was also contributed by downtrading from LCGC to high-end 2W.
Auto segment still challenging, but UNTR and fincos could still provide buffer
We believe the auto segment continues to face challenges, both in 4W and 2W. Our TP of IDR6,000 is derived from an unchanged SOTP valuation (2024F P/E of 7x), finco (target 2024F P/B of 2.2x), its listed subsidiaries that are valued using Bloomberg consensus TP discounted by 30%, toll road (NAV), and also equity investment using book value. Downside risks: 1) faster-than-expected sales of ex-Astra brands (especially China-based), 2) sluggish purchasing power that is hurting local sales, 3) failure to maximize cash utilization, and 4) margin pressure from the auto value chain.
A rating of ‘Buy’, indicates that the analyst expects the stock to outperform the Benchmark over the next 12 months. A rating of ‘Neutral’, indicates that the analyst expects the stock to perform in line with the Benchmark over the next 12 months. A rating of ‘Reduce’, indicates that the analyst expects the stock to underperform the Benchmark over the next 12 months. A rating of ‘Suspended’, indicates that the rating, target price, and estimates have been suspended temporarily to comply with applicable regulations and/or firm policies. Securities and/or companies that are labelled as ‘Not Rated’ or ‘No Rating’ are not in regular research coverage. Benchmark is Indonesia Composite Index (‘IDX Composite’). A ‘Target Price’, if discussed, indicates the analyst’s forecast for the share price with a 12-month time horizon, reflecting in part of the analyst’s estimates for the company’s earnings, and may be impeded by general market and macroeconomic trends, and by other risks related to the company or the market in general.
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Rating Remains | Buy |
Target price Remains | IDR 6,000 |
Closing price 30 October 2024 | IDR 5,200 |
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