Bank Negara Indonesia (BBNI IJ) (Buy) - YTD Oct-24 results: Better yield trends

Banks NS EW 569 21st Nov, 2024

BBNI released its bank-only YTD Oct24 results with net profit of IDR18.1tn (+4% y-y), accounting for 85% of our FY24F projection, largely driven by management’s efforts to lower credit costs (CoC) (-21% y-y). At the operating level, we see some margin improvements that have resulted in bank-only NIMs hovering at ~4.4% in recent months (up from sub-4% in early months of 2024). We attribute these to: 1) improving asset yields (in part USD loan repricing of ~50bps in Oct24); and 2) a more prudent deposit base by releasing expensive excess corporate deposits (granted, this has resulted in rising LDR of 96% for the bank. These have translated into YTD NII of IDR32.3tn (-5% y-y). While this is lower on a y-y basis, the monthly NII growth trend has shown an upward trajectory. For Oct24, the bank has booked payment of ~IDR90bn from Waskita (WSKT, Not rated) as well as USD loan repricing of ~50bp.

Further out, with funding costs potentially stabilized, we expect steadier NIMs in 2025. This should translate into NII growth in 2025, in our view. Thereby, this should improve the earnings profile for the bank (from 2024’s, which has relied on lower CoC to drive up earnings).

On the balance sheet, BBNI booked loan growth of +9% y-y (+5% YTD). Deposits for the bank only rose by 3% y-y (-6% YTD), with growth mostly coming from savings accounts (+9% y-y / +4% YTD), resulting in an increase in the CASA ratio to 70.6% (+100bp y-y). With BBNI’s ongoing digital transformation, we expect that CASA ratio will remain elevated. The above translated to a loans-to-deposits ratio (LDR) of 96.1% in 3Q24 (+520bp y-y).

Please refer to the tables and charts that follow for more details on BBNI’s bank-only YTD Oct-24 results.

Post results, we maintain our Buy rating on the stock. If the latest NIM trend persists, we expect BBNI to deliver a better earnings profile in 2025 (thereby minimizing future earnings risks).

Valuation and risks

We derive our TP of IDR6,600 based on a DuPont analysis, assuming a risk-free rate of 6.5%, an equity risk premium of 7.8%, growth of 8.5%, beta 1.0x and a CAR-adjusted ROAE of 16.5%. We also use 2025F book as reference. The implied multiples at our TP are 1.4x 2025F book and 10.7x 2025F earnings (compared to current multiples of 1.2x and 9.3x, respectively). Key risks to our view are worsening macroeconomic trends, unfavorable regulatory changes, and tighter liquidity competition (which would increase funding cost), and worsening credit quality (which would raise credit costs), and higher opex.

Fig. 1: BBNI montly results

 BNI - Monthly IDRbn Sep-24Oct-24M-MY-YYTD-24YTD-23Y-Y% of FY24FFY24F
 Gross Interest Income               5,215              5,6839.0%9.4%       53,364       50,7655%75%         71,388
 Gross Interest Expenses               2,025              2,1797.6%12.0%       21,109       16,78726%79%         26,574
 NII               3,190              3,5039.8%7.8%       32,255       33,978-5%72%44,814
 PPOP               2,928              3,0002.5%16.1%       27,625       28,364-3%79%34,889
 Provision exp                  503                 70840.7%17.1%         5,722         7,279-21%66%8,716
 Net profit                1,972              1,881-4.6%13.7%       18,074       17,3314%85%21,348
 Comprehensive profit               2,594                 992-61.7%16.4%       18,286       15,46618%  
 YTD loan growth 4.9%5.4%       
 Y-Y loan growth 8.5%8.8%       
 M-M loan growth 1.6%0.5%       
 YTD deposit growth -5.5%-5.9%       
 Y-Y deposit growth 2.6%2.9%       
 M-M deposit growth 1.6%-0.4%       
 Asset yield (annualised)  6.6%7.1%       
 COF (annualised) 2.9%3.1%       
 NIM (annualised) 4.0%4.4%  4.0%4.4%   
 Credit cost (annualised) 0.8%1.2%  1.0%1.3%   
 Risk-adj NIM 3.2%3.2%  3.3%3.5%   
 LDR  95.3%96.1%       
 LLR 5.6%5.6%       
 CASA ratio 70.7%70.6%       
 Monthly CIR 44.3%44.2%       
 B/S ROAE (annualised) 15.6%14.7%       
 B/S ROAA (annualised) 2.3%2.2%       
 Loan-to-CASA  132.6%135.4%       
Source: Company data, Nomura research


Fig. 2: BBNI - Margin trend %

Source: Company data, Nomura research


Fig. 3: BBNI yield vs growth trends %

Source: Company data, Nomura research


Fig. 4: BBNI balance sheet

 BBNI - B/S IDRbn Jan-24Feb-24Mar-24Apr-24May-24Jun-24Jul-24Aug-24Sep-24Oct-24M-MY-YYTD-24YTD-23
 Total assets IDRbn        1,023,754       1,016,514       1,026,152       1,069,552       1,039,548       1,029,874       1,020,252       1,024,613       1,022,228       1,029,6760.7%5.9%-1.8%-2.5%
 Gross Loans IDRbn           679,921          673,521          685,956          702,167          708,899          715,466          718,663          710,480          721,759          725,3730.5%8.8%5.4%3.7%
 LLR IDRbn             47,052            46,310            46,096            45,839            45,462            42,232            41,166            40,350            40,486            40,5580.2%-15.8%-13.6%-4.0%
 Net loans IDRbn           632,869          627,211          639,860          656,328          663,436          673,234          677,497          670,130          681,273          684,8150.5%10.7%6.8%4.4%
 Deposits        775,359       767,018       770,613       819,324       788,458       761,210       737,509       745,262       757,540       754,489-0.4%2.9%-5.9%-3.8%
 - CA IDRbn           321,458          307,236          307,083          339,540          323,441          301,681          285,126          283,145          297,721          292,477-1.8%0.9%-14.8%-7.6%
 - SA IDRbn           227,877          228,450          232,862          236,101          235,670          239,665          238,803          239,565          238,102          240,4951.0%9.0%4.1%-8.8%
 - TD IDRbn           226,024          231,333          230,668          243,682          229,347          219,864          213,580          222,552          221,716          221,518-0.1%-0.6%-2.7%7.7%
 CASA IDRbn           549,335          535,685          539,945          575,641          559,111          541,346          523,929          522,710          535,823          532,971-0.5%4.4%-7.2%-8.1%
Source: Company data, Nomura research


Fig. 5: BBNI DPpont assets

 BBNI Dupont % of assets Jan-24Feb-24Mar-24Apr-24May-24Jun-24Jul-24Aug-24Sep-24Oct-24
 Int inc             6.13            5.78            6.29            5.96            6.07            6.24            6.54            6.35            6.11            6.65
 Int exp             2.51            2.40            2.52            2.52            2.57            2.34            2.41            2.38            2.37            2.55
 Net int inc             3.61            3.37            3.77            3.45            3.50            3.90            4.14            3.97            3.74            4.10
 Op. inc             3.07            3.06            4.02            3.01            3.22            3.67            3.72            3.49            3.68            3.77
 Opex             0.24            0.23            0.24            0.24            0.25            0.25            0.28            0.28            0.25            0.26
 PPOP             2.83            2.83            3.77            2.77            2.97            3.42            3.44            3.20            3.43            3.51
 Provisions             0.75            0.66            0.58            0.61            0.66            0.58            0.64            0.77            0.59            0.83
 Net profit (ROAA)             1.72            1.83            2.64            1.80            1.94            2.32            2.28            2.00            2.31            2.20
 Assets to Equities             6.94            6.82            7.29            7.57            7.24            7.09            6.90            6.81            6.68            6.69
 ROAE           11.94          12.49          19.24          13.66          14.04          16.48          15.71          13.62          15.45          14.71
Source: Company data, Nomura research


Fig. 6: BBNI LLR vs 12MMA WO %

Source: Company data, Nomura research


Fig. 7: BBNI LLR %

Source: Company data, Nomura research


Fig. 8: BBNI – ROAA trend (%)

Source: Company data, Nomura research

Fig. 9: BBNI – ROAE trend (%)

Source: Company data, Nomura research

A rating of ‘Buy’, indicates that the analyst expects the stock to outperform the Benchmark over the next 12 months. A rating of ‘Neutral’, indicates that the analyst expects the stock to perform in line with the Benchmark over the next 12 months. A rating of ‘Reduce’, indicates that the analyst expects the stock to underperform the Benchmark over the next 12 months. A rating of ‘Suspended’, indicates that the rating, target price, and estimates have been suspended temporarily to comply with applicable regulations and/or firm policies. Securities and/or companies that are labelled as ‘Not Rated’ or ‘No Rating’ are not in regular research coverage. Benchmark is Indonesia Composite Index (‘IDX Composite’). A ‘Target Price’, if discussed, indicates the analyst’s forecast for the share price with a 12-month time horizon, reflecting in part of the analyst’s estimates for the company’s earnings, and may be impeded by general market and macroeconomic trends, and by other risks related to the company or the market in general. 

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Target price
IDR 6,600
Closing price
19 November 2024
IDR 4,850

Nicholas Santoso (

Erwin Wijaya (