Indonesia Tower - 9M24 results review

Telco NS EW 463 4th Nov, 2024

Back on growth trajectories

In this note, we look at 9M24 results from major Indonesia telecom towercos, which have shown positive upward earnings trends. The growth came from organic tenant recoveries (albeit slower co-lo growth). We also observe that impacts from spectrum re-farming at major telcos are largely over. In addition, we see decreasing impacts from Indosat (ISAT IJ, Buy) site relocations. Lower renewal rental rates (where rental rates are ~IDR11-12mn per tenant per month) are also largely over. Further out, we don’t expect any additional spectrums for telcos in the near term, or much 5G investment from these major telcos. Thus, future network expansions by these telcos should be predominantly for 4G (and thus either build-to-suit site additions and/or co-locations [co-los]). For these reasons, we continue to maintain positive on the long-term outlooks for these tower cos. One possible risk would be that organic growth might decelerate driven by soft mobile data traffic growth; which we think could be attributed to data off-loading on fixed broadband infrastructures.

As of 9M24, total tower sites from the major towercos were at 98,195 sites (+4,901 q-q / +9,014 y-y). On a q-q basis, Sarana Menara Nusantara (TOWR IJ, Buy)) had the largest increase of +3,869 sites followed by Mitratel (MTEL IJ, Buy) +678 and Tower Bersama Infrastucture(TBIG IJ, Buy) +354. In terms of tenancies, the towercos recorded total tenants of 162,922 (+5,041 q-q / +8,579 y-y). Most of the increases come at TOWR +3,839 tenants, followed by MTEL +833 and TBIG +369. TOWR’s strong site and tenancy growth is attributable to the company’s acquisition of IBST (unlisted). These have explained combined co-lo ratio of 1.66x (a slight decline from 1.69x in 2Q24 / 1.73x in 3Q23) with TOWR registering most visible drop in co-locations as IBST sites have lower co-los. Having said this, we think the risks of further non-renewals should be lesser in coming quarters. 

As of 9M24, total revenue from these towercos reached IDR21.4tn (+7.3% y-y), with MTEL reporting the highest growth of +8.7% y-y (reflecting in part rising co-lo), while TOWR +8.4% y-y in part reflected the company’s strategy to invest into fiber infrastructure to offset lower tower rental revenues. Meanwhile, TBIG (+3.5% y-y) has maintained its organic growth strategy and has not been as aggressive on fiber expansion as TOWR has been.

Combined 9M24 EBITDA reached IDR18.0tn (+7.5% y-y) with MTEL had most jumped +12.1% y-y followed by TOWR +7.1% and TBIG +2.7%. The implied margin is at 84.7% (an improvement +95bps q-q / +146bp y-y). Both MTEL and TOWR saw y-y and q-q margin improvements in EBITDA, we attribute this to rising co-los for MTEL and improving fiber utilization for TOWR.

Meanwhile, headline combined profit reached IDR5.1tn (+3.5% y-y), with the highest growth coming from MTEL +7.1% y-y, followed by TBIG +4.4% y-y and TOWR +0.9% y-y. TOWR’s lower profit growth is mainly due to one-time cost of the IBST acquisition as well as higher debt and interest expense from the acquisition. We believe that as synergies with IBST improve, so will TOWR’s bottom line. Our detailed assessments suggest profit growth could be attributed to variations in D&A charges. For 9M24, MTEL has highest D&A charges as a percentage of net fixed assets of 7.6-7.7% (implying the lowest asset life remaining of ~13.0 years). This may suggest that MTEL could have a more conservative in its earnings reporting. Meanwhile, TOWR has average D&A charges of ~7.0% of net fixed assets – resulting into remaining asset life of ~14.3 years. On the flip side, TBIG has least D&A charges of 4.0-4.3% of net fixed assets – translating into ~23.3 years of asset life.

Valuation and risks

TOWR – Our DCF-based TP of IDR1,780 for TOWR assumes a risk-free rate of 6.2%, a discount rate of 7.4% and a terminal growth rate of 2.5%. We assign a WACC of 9.0% to reflect rising interest rates. At our TP, the stock would trade at 13.4x 2024F EV/EBITDA. Downside risks include adverse macroeconomic developments, irrational competition leading to lower rental rates, lower-than-projected tower renewal rental rates, slower organic growth, higher opex trends and/or co-los, and/or difficulties in securing new sites to accommodate telecom operators' network expansions as well as consolidation of cellular operators.

TBIG – We derive our TP of IDR2,300 based on a DCF-based model, assuming a risk-free rate of 6.2%, cost of debt (after tax) of 5.3% (6.0% earlier), cost of equity of 14.4%, equity risk premium of 7.4%, WACC of 8.2% (8.7% earlier), a terminal growth rate of 2.5%, and beta of 1.1x. Downside risks include adverse macroeconomic developments, irrational competition leading to lower rental rates, lower-than-projected tower renewals, slower organic growth, higher opex trends and/or co-los, and/or difficulties in securing new sites to accommodate telecom operators' network expansions.

MTEL – Our TP of IDR820 is based on DCF, assuming a risk-free rate of 6.2%, equity risk premium of 7.44%, beta of 1.0x, and a terminal growth rate of 2.5%. At our TP, the implied FY24F EV/EBITDA is 11.2x (compared to 8.6x at the current price). Risks are adverse macroeconomic developments that would reduce operators’ network expansions (either build-to-suit / B2S or co-lo), irrational rental price competition, a higher tower rental churn rate, difficulties in securing new sites to accommodate B2S, and/or higher opex increases.

Fig. 1: Tower details

 Tower Sites 1Q232Q233Q234Q231Q242Q243Q24QoQYoY
 TBIG (tower only)           21,880          22,026          22,175          22,357          22,838          23,211          23,5653541,390
 TOWR           29,757          29,792          29,915          30,558          31,049          31,502          35,3713,8695,456
 Mitratel           36,439          36,719          37,091          38,014          38,135          38,581          39,2596782,168
 Total           88,076          88,537          89,181          90,929          92,022          93,294          98,1954,9019,014
 Tower shares  1Q23  2Q23  3Q23  4Q23  1Q24  2Q24  3Q24   
 TBIG (tower only)               24.8              24.9              24.9              24.6              24.8              24.9              24.0  
 TOWR               33.8              33.6              33.5              33.6              33.7              33.8              36.0  
 Mitratel               41.4              41.5              41.6              41.8              41.4              41.4              40.0  
 Total             100.0            100.0            100.0            100.0            100.0            100.0            100.0  
 Gross Tower Tenants  1Q23  2Q23  3Q23  4Q23  1Q24  2Q24  3Q24  QoQ  YoY 
 TBIG           41,010          41,428          41,572          41,227          41,810          42,177          42,546369974
 TOWR           53,820          53,771          54,249          54,284          54,170          54,326          58,1653,8393,916
 Mitratel           56,135          57,536          58,522          60,227          60,608          61,378          62,2118333,689
 Total         150,965        152,735        154,343        155,738        156,588        157,881        162,9225,0418,579
 Tenant shares  1Q23  2Q23  3Q23  4Q23  1Q24  2Q24  3Q24   
 TBIG               27.2              27.1              26.9              26.5              26.7              26.7              26.1  
 TOWR               35.7              35.2              35.1              34.9              34.6              34.4              35.7  
 Mitratel               37.2              37.7              37.9              38.7              38.7              38.9              38.2  
 Total             100.0            100.0            100.0            100.0            100.0            100.0            100.0  
 Co-lo x 1Q232Q233Q234Q231Q242Q243Q24  
 TBIG               1.87              1.88              1.87              1.84              1.83              1.82              1.81  
 TOWR               1.81              1.80              1.81              1.78              1.74              1.72              1.64  
 Mitratel               1.46              1.49              1.50              1.51              1.52              1.52              1.51  
 Total               1.71              1.73              1.73              1.71              1.70              1.69              1.66  
Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 2: TOWR quarterly results

 Revenue 1Q232Q233Q234Q231Q242Q243Q24QoQYoYYTD 24YTD 23YoY
 TBIG             1,618            1,662            1,673            1,688            1,705            1,710            1,713          0.2          2.4         5,127         4,953       3.51
 TOWR             2,865            2,912            2,943            3,021            3,047            3,107            3,295          6.0        12.0         9,449         8,719       8.37
 MTEL             2,055            2,074            2,143            2,321            2,206            2,244            2,368          5.5        10.5         6,818         6,273       8.69
 Total             6,538            6,648            6,760            7,030            6,957            7,061            7,376          1.5          6.2       21,394       19,945       7.26
 Market share % 1Q232Q233Q234Q231Q242Q243Q24
 TBIG             24.75            25.00            24.75            24.01            24.50            24.21            23.22
 TOWR             43.82            43.80            43.54            42.97            43.79            44.01            44.67
 MTEL             31.44            31.20            31.71            33.02            31.71            31.78            32.11
 Total           100.00          100.00          100.00          100.00          100.00          100.00          100.00
 EBITDA  1Q23  2Q23  3Q23  4Q23  1Q24  2Q24  3Q24  QoQ  YoY  YTD 24  YTD 23  YoY 
 TBIG             1,395            1,467            1,424            1,441            1,465            1,472            1,467         (0.3)          3.0         4,403         4,286       2.73
 TOWR             2,439            2,475            2,503            2,563            2,545            2,588            2,812          8.7        12.4         7,946         7,417       7.13
 MTEL             1,676            1,677            1,701            1,867            1,841            1,855            1,970          6.2        15.8         5,666         5,055     12.10
 Total             5,509            5,620            5,628            5,871            5,851            5,915            6,249          1.1          5.2       18,015       16,758       7.50
 Ebitda margin %  1Q23  2Q23  3Q23  4Q23  1Q24  2Q24  3Q24 
 TBIG               86.2              88.3              85.1              85.4              86.0              86.1              85.6       (0.45)        0.51
 TOWR               85.1              85.0              85.0              84.8              83.5              83.3              85.4        2.06        0.32
 MTEL               81.5              80.9              79.4              80.4              83.5              82.7              83.2        0.51        3.81
 Total               84.3              84.5              83.3              83.5              84.1              83.8              84.7        0.95        1.46
 Market share % 1Q232Q233Q234Q231Q242Q243Q24
 TBIG               25.3              26.1              25.3              24.6              25.0              24.9              23.5
 TOWR               44.3              44.0              44.5              43.7              43.5              43.8              45.0
 MTEL               30.4              29.8              30.2              31.8              31.5              31.4              31.5
 Total             100.0            100.0            100.0            100.0            100.0            100.0            100.0
 Operating income  1Q23  2Q23  3Q23  4Q23  1Q24  2Q24  3Q24  QoQ  YoY  YTD 24  YTD 23  YoY 
 TBIG             1,059            1,103            1,043            1,029            1,097            1,078            1,067         (1.0)          2.3         3,241         3,205       1.12
 TOWR             1,810            1,730            1,933            1,664            1,815            1,860            2,013          8.2          4.2         5,688         5,473       3.94
 MTEL                948               833               880               979            1,009            1,006            1,039          3.3        18.2         3,054         2,660     14.80
 Total             3,818            3,666            3,855            3,671            3,921            3,944            4,119          4.5          6.9         7,864         7,484       5.09
 Op. margin %  1Q23  2Q23  3Q23  4Q23  1Q24  2Q24  3Q24 
 TBIG               65.5              66.4              62.3              60.9              64.3              63.0              62.3
 TOWR               63.2              59.4              65.7              55.1              59.6              59.9              61.1
 MTEL               46.1              40.1              41.0              42.2              45.7              44.8              43.9
 Total               64.0              62.0              64.5              57.2              61.3              61.0              61.5
 Profits  1Q23  2Q23  3Q23  4Q23  1Q24  2Q24  3Q24  QoQ  YoY  YTD 24  YTD 23  YoY 
 TBIG                332               357               430               450               350               381               437        14.6          1.6         1,167         1,118         4.4
 TOWR                752               715               958               828               797               808               842          4.2       (12.2)         2,447         2,426         0.9
 MTEL                501               521               409               579               521               543               468       (13.8)        14.5         1,532         1,431         7.1
 Total             1,585            1,593            1,797            1,856            1,668            1,732            1,747          0.8         (2.8)         5,147         4,975         3.5
Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 3: TOWR - 12MMA ROAA consolidated

Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 4: TOWR- 12MMA ROAE consolidated

Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 5: TBIG 12MMA ROAA %

Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 6: TBIG 12MMA ROAE %

Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 7: MTEL 12MMA ROAA %

Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 8: MTEL 12MMA ROAE %

Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 9: TBIG quarterly results

Source: Company data, Verdhana research

A rating of ‘Buy’, indicates that the analyst expects the stock to outperform the Benchmark over the next 12 months. A rating of ‘Neutral’, indicates that the analyst expects the stock to perform in line with the Benchmark over the next 12 months. A rating of ‘Reduce’, indicates that the analyst expects the stock to underperform the Benchmark over the next 12 months. A rating of ‘Suspended’, indicates that the rating, target price, and estimates have been suspended temporarily to comply with applicable regulations and/or firm policies. Securities and/or companies that are labelled as ‘Not Rated’ or ‘No Rating’ are not in regular research coverage. Benchmark is Indonesia Composite Index (‘IDX Composite’). A ‘Target Price’, if discussed, indicates the analyst’s forecast for the share price with a 12-month time horizon, reflecting in part of the analyst’s estimates for the company’s earnings, and may be impeded by general market and macroeconomic trends, and by other risks related to the company or the market in general. 

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