Bank Central Asia (BBCA IJ) (Buy) - Solid (and in line) FY24 results

Banks EW 391 24th Jan, 2025

BBCA released its FY24 results with headline profit at IDR54.8tn (+13% y-y), accounting for ~105% of our FY24F projection. We attribute the healthy profit growth to better NIM, driven by stable asset yields, strong transactional franchise (which resulted in BBCA’s lowest funding cost increase among major Indonesia banks) and improved asset quality (leading to lower credit costs). Specifically on funding costs, despite the overall tight liquidity in the banking system throughout 2024 (and we believe will continue in 2025F), the bank demonstrated its franchise strength given that its overall funding costs stayed flat at 1.1% throughout 2024. There were several reasons for this, but most importantly it showed the bank’s transactional franchises.

For 2025F, we think NIMs would remain elevated for BBCA at ~6.0%. The stubbornly tight liquidity in the banking system suggests potential continued intense competition for CASA (particularly for current accounts as some banks have offered special rates). However, these could provide room for BBCA to raise lending rates despite the recent BI rate cut. An analysis on BBCA’s 4Q24 blended loan yield, which stood at an average 8.57% (+30bp above the average 12MMA yield of 8.27%), suggests potentially better broad yields in 2025F. If BBCA successful raises its lending rates, it would result in higher NIMs for the bank and, thus would further limit downside risks to its earnings.

At the operating level, BBCA booked FY24 NII of IDR82.5tr (+10% y-y). This implies NIM of ~6.0% (+20bp y-y) largely driven by healthy asset yields (as risk-free asset yields rose while lending rates stayed steady) and a slight decline in cost of funds. Meanwhile, FY24 PPOP reached IDR70.4tr (+12% y-y), accounting for 104% of our FY24F projections. This represents the highest PPOP growth among major banks in our coverage. We attribute this to the bank’s cost efficiency. Indeed, the bank has implemented cost controls (as non-provision costs were merely +2% y-y), which has resulted in one of the lowest CIRs within the Indonesia banking sector. In particular, the bank has managed to keep personnel expenses low by increasingly using technology (thus limited hiring).

On balance sheet, BBCA delivered loan growth of 14% y-y, ahead of the banking sector’s ~11-12% y-y. Most notably, BBCA loan growth came from corporates (+16% y-y)  and consumer (+13% y-y) segments. In the corporate segment, resources sectors contributed to this strong corporate loan growth. Note that resource-related sector loan is part of the government’s efforts to promote mineral down-streaming and/or CPO plantations. Meanwhile, BBCA noted the textile sector remained the weakest among corporates mainly due to competition from cheaper foreign textiles (read: illegal imports). For consumer loans, growth was primarily driven by mortgages (+11% y-y) and autos (+15% y-y). Meanwhile in the commercial/SME segments, BBCA reported superior loan growth of +12% y-y (compared to sector wide growth of ~6%) as the bank focused more on existing customers who already had transactional accounts with BBCA. The growth opportunity in these segments remains substantial, in our view, as we estimate that so far no more than 10% of transacting customers have borrowed from BBCA.

On deposits, the bank managed to record deposit growth of +3% y-y in 4Q24 during which CASA rose by +4% y-y. This drove the CASA ratio higher to ~82% , the highest within the Indonesia banking sector. Specifically, thanks to the cheap funding, BBCA’s current account rose +4% y-y followed by savings accounts at +5% y-y. These kept its overall funding cost growth muted at 1.1%, a slight decline from 1.20% in 4Q23.

Post results, we reiterate our Buy rating on the stock with an unchanged TP of IDR13,200. We maintain BBCA as one of our top picks in the banking sector. We argue that its main customer bases (both loans and deposits) are likely to see superior growth. Consequently, we think BBCA will maintain superior earnings trends in the near to medium term.

Valuation and risks

We derive our TP of IDR13,200 using DuPont analysis with key parameters as follows: a risk-free rate of 6.5%, an equity risk premium of 7.8%, beta of 0.8x and a CAR-adjusted ROAE of 24.5%. Our TP implies 5.4x FY25F P/B (vs current price valuation of 4.2x) and 26.9x FY25F P/E (vs current price valuation of 21.0x). Risks are worsening economic trends, tighter liquidity competition, and/or higher credit cost and opex growth.

Fig. 1: BBCA Consol P&L

 BBCA Consol P&L  IDRbn 4Q231Q242Q243Q244Q24Q-Q %
 Int inc 22,83623,04223,08524,30924,6151.3
 Int exp 3,3753,2002,9833,1733,1770.1
 NII 19,46219,84220,10321,13621,4381.4
 Non-int inc 5,6406,4066,0306,5616,155(6.2)
 Op. inc 25,10226,24926,13327,69727,593(0.4)
 Non-int exp 9,6509,3458,4529,04010,43415.4
 PPOP 15,45116,90417,68118,65717,159(8.0)
 Prov (29)1,025381961(333)(134.6)
 Net income 12,22312,87813,99914,19813,762(3.1)
 Loans 787,499811,554824,590851,045894,9125.2
 Deposits 1,101,6731,120,5571,125,1331,125,5821,133,6120.7
 - CASA 884,641904,499915,192915,331923,9770.9
 - Time deposits 217,032216,058209,940210,251209,635(0.3)
 Equities 242,356227,162240,679255,765262,6412.7
 Total assets 1,408,1071,444,0081,425,4171,433,7021,449,3011.1
Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 2: BBCA FY24 Summary %

Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 3: BBCA ratios

 BBCA Consolidated Ratios  4Q23  1Q24  2Q24  3Q24  4Q24 
 Gross Yield (%)
 Cost of funds (%)
 Spread (%)
 NIM %
 Risk-adj NIM %
 LDR % 71.572.473.375.678.9
 Asset y-y
 Assets q-q 1.92.5(1.3)0.61.1
 Loans y-y 13.917.015.414.413.6
 Loans q-q
 Loan ytd
 Deposits y-y
 Deposits q-q
 Deposits ytd
 CASA % 80.380.781.381.381.5
 CIR % 38.435.632.332.637.8
 CAR % 29.426.427.729.129.1
 NPL %
 LLR %
 ROAE % 20.521.923.922.921.2
 CoC % (0.015)0.5130.1860.459(0.152)
 Loan-to-CASA %              89             90             90             93             97
 NPL             1.8            1.9            2.1            2.1            1.7
 NPL cov %          240.8         226.7         195.9         205.6         216.1
 LAR %             6.6            6.3            6.3            5.9            5.1
 LAR Cov %           65.2          67.3          66.8          71.6          73.1
Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 4: Consumer loan breakdown

BBCA - Loan breakdown IDRbn 4Q23  1Q24  2Q24  3Q24  4Q24  Q-Q % 
Corporate      368,700      389,200      388,600      395,900      426,8007.8
Commercial & SME      243,700      244,900      251,700      265,800      272,4002.5
Consumer      198,800      201,600      210,200      216,500      223,7003.3
Total      811,200      835,700      850,500      878,200      922,9005.1
Consumer breakdown IDRbn 4Q23  1Q24  2Q24  3Q24   Q-Q % 
Credit cards (and others)20,10020,20021,10021,90022,9004.6
Total      198,800      201,700      210,100      216,400      223,7003.4
As % of total 4Q23  1Q24  2Q24  3Q24  4Q24  
Corporate            45.5            46.6            45.7            45.1            46.2 
Commercial & SME            30.0            29.3            29.6            30.3            29.5 
Consumer            24.5            24.1            24.7            24.7            24.2 
Total          100.0          100.0          100.0          100.0          100.0 
Consumer loan breakdown (%) 4Q23  1Q24  2Q24  3Q24  4Q24  
Mortgage            15.0            14.6            14.9            14.8            14.7 
Vehicles              7.0              7.2              7.3              7.3              7.1 
Credit cards (and others)              2.5              2.4              2.5              2.5              2.5 
Total            24.5            24.1            24.7            24.6            24.2 
 BBCA IDRbn 4Q231Q242Q243Q244Q24Q-Q %
 Demand deposits       348,457      349,331      353,086      352,180      361,8842.8
 Savings deposits       536,184      555,168      562,106      563,151      562,094(0.2)
 Time deposits       217,032      216,058      209,940      210,251      209,635(0.3)
 Total deposits    1,101,673   1,120,557   1,125,133   1,125,582   1,133,6120.7
 CASA       884,641      904,499      915,192      915,331      923,9770.9
 CASA as % deposits             80.3            80.7            81.3            81.3            81.5
Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 5: BBCA - Blended loan yield 1Q19-4Q24 %

Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 6: BBCA Dupont %

 BBCA Dupont %  4Q23  1Q24  2Q24  3Q24  4Q24 
 Int inc             6.5            6.5            6.4            6.8            6.8
 Int exp             1.0            0.9            0.8            0.9            0.9
 NII             5.6            5.6            5.6            5.9            5.9
 Non-int inc             1.6            1.8            1.7            1.8            1.7
 Op. inc             7.2            7.4            7.3            7.7            7.7
 Non-int exp             2.8            2.6            2.4            2.5            2.9
 PPOP             4.4            4.7            4.9            5.2            4.8
 Prov            (0.0)            0.3            0.1            0.3           (0.1)
 PBT             4.4            4.5            4.8            5.0            4.9
 Net income             3.5            3.6            3.9            4.0            3.8
 Asset to Equity              5.8            6.1            6.1            5.8            5.6
 ROAE           20.5          21.9          23.9          22.9          21.2
 4QMA ROAE           21.6          21.7          21.9          22.3          22.5
 Loan yield           8.26          8.18          8.21          8.12          8.57
 4QMA Loan Yield           8.21          8.24          8.21          8.19          8.27
Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 7: BBCA - 12MMA Loan vs NII growth %

Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 8: BBCA - CoC vs Est WO %

Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 9: BBCA - 12MMA CoC vs 12MMA WO %

Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 10: BBCA - LLR vs 12MMA WO %

Source: Company data, Verdhana research


A rating of ‘Buy’, indicates that the analyst expects the stock to outperform the Benchmark over the next 12 months. A rating of ‘Neutral’, indicates that the analyst expects the stock to perform in line with the Benchmark over the next 12 months. A rating of ‘Reduce’, indicates that the analyst expects the stock to underperform the Benchmark over the next 12 months. A rating of ‘Suspended’, indicates that the rating, target price, and estimates have been suspended temporarily to comply with applicable regulations and/or firm policies. Securities and/or companies that are labelled as ‘Not Rated’ or ‘No Rating’ are not in regular research coverage. Benchmark is Indonesia Composite Index (‘IDX Composite’). A ‘Target Price’, if discussed, indicates the analyst’s forecast for the share price with a 12-month time horizon, reflecting in part of the analyst’s estimates for the company’s earnings, and may be impeded by general market and macroeconomic trends, and by other risks related to the company or the market in general. 

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Target price
IDR 13,200
Closing price
23 January 2025
IDR 9,600

Erwin Wijaya (