Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BBRI IJ) (Buy) - 9M24 : Resilient PPOP trend

Banks NS EW 441 30th Oct, 2024

In our recent note, we wrote that BBRI might face maturing micro/ultra-micro segments in the next few years. This suggests that future growth will be slower (and thus, we think that BBRI may need to re-focus growth in corp/commercial segments). Moreover, we expect larger write-offs for micro/ultra micro segments. Indeed, we believe this was the primary reason for BBRI’s consolidated 9M24 profit growth of ~2% y-y. In our view, BBRI has recorded resilient operating results with its headline 9M24 PPOP jumping ~14% y-y (ahead of our FY24F projections). Given the bank’s accelerated write-offs in 3Q24 (and hence subsequently higher credit costs / CoC), we think 4Q24 CoC may come down to ~300bp (from 3Q24’s ~330bp). Slower Kupedes disbursement may ease NPL pressure for the bank, which in turn could provide greater earnings visibility. These would be key catalysts for the stock.

In this report, we show both bank-only and consolidated 9M24 results. Note that bank-only 9M24 profit shows more encouraging profit growth of +7% y-y – compared to consolidated profit growth of ~2% y-y. Headline PPOP growth for bank-only was also more convincing at +15% y-y – compared to consolidated PPOP growth at +14%. This suggests that not only elevated CoC was high at bank-only (at 3.2% in 9M24 +60bps y-y) but also at key subsidiaries (which resulted in consolidated CoC at +70bp y-y).

Post 9M24 results, while we retain our Buy call on the stock, BBRI may continue to underperform relative to BBCA IJ / BMRI IJ (Both Buys) given that BBRI’s growth in mass-market segments may be inferior compared to BBCA/BMRI’s corporate segments.   

9M24 consolidatedresults summary – refer to tables inside for details

In 9M24, BBRI reported headline profit of IDR45.1tr (+2% y-y – representing 73% of our FY24F earnings estimates. Key highlights from the results are the large jump in credit costs (CoC) to IDR32.5tr (+40% y-y), which implies an annualized CoC of ~330bp – above management’s FY24F CoC guidance of no more than 3.0%. We believe that the large CoC can be attributed to front-loading loan write-offs of approximately IDR33tr in 9M24 – up from the bank’s estimated write-off in 9M23 of IDR25tr. Most of the write-offs came from the mass-market segments, as we believe the bank needs to “clean up” some excess lending it made during 2022-2023, particularly for the mass-market segments (ultra-micro / micro / PNM). We believe that BBRI may still need to write-off more loans in 4Q24F/1H25F. However, the pace and amount should moderate as the bank and its subsidiaries have tightened their loan under-writing criteria, and will likely maintain their stance until its CoC comes down to a normalised level of ~2.5%, possibly from 2026F. The larger write-offs resulted in a lower LAR of 11.8% (-30bp q-q) with coverage of ~56% (amongst the highest for major banks) in 9M24. Having said this, we think management could still have some discretion to “reallocate” excess provisions in some corp loans to “increase” provisions in the micro/ultra micro segments, suggesting that BBRI’s consolidated profit could improve going into 2025F.

Valuation and risks

We derive our TP of IDR6,300 based on DuPont analysis with a risk-free rate of 6.5%, an equity risk premium of 7.8%, growth of 10.0%, beta 0.8x and a CAR-adjusted ROAE of 18.0%. We have also used 2025F book as reference. The implied multiples at our TP would be 2.9x 2025F book and 14.8x 2025F earnings (compared to current multiples of 2.1x and 11.1x, respectively). Risks are worsening macroeconomic trends, unfavorable regulatory changes, and tighter liquidity competition, which could increase funding costs, worsening credit quality which would raise credit costs, and higher opex.

Fig. 1: BBRI quarterly results

 BBRI Consolidated IDRbn   3Q23   2Q24   3Q24   YTD 2024   YTD 2023   YoY %   2024F   vs FY24F 
 Int inc                46,302             48,572             50,145 148,792 131,893 12.8       202,096           73.6
 Int exp                10,646             14,596             14,317 43,036 30,696 40.2         51,345           83.8
 NII                35,656             33,977             35,827 105,756 101,197 4.5       150,751           70.2
 Net premium inc                     931                  896                  537 1,995 1,819 9.7    
 NII and net premi                36,588             34,873             36,364 107,751 103,015 4.6       150,751           71.5
 Total op inc                48,880             51,197             57,474 160,209 140,341 14.2       197,010           81.3
 PPOP                28,188             27,851             30,609 90,503 79,446 13.9       115,175           78.6
 Prov                  9,219               9,339             11,108 32,455 23,237 39.7         36,472           89.0
 PBT                18,968             18,511             19,500 58,048 56,209 3.3         78,703           73.8
 NP                14,431             13,785             15,363 45,065 43,993 2.4         61,848           72.9
        YTD 2024 YTD 2023      
 Total assets           1,851,965        1,977,371        1,961,916 (0.2) (0.7)      
 Gross Loans           1,250,715        1,336,780        1,353,356 6.9 9.8      
 - Provisions                84,486             82,051             80,055 (1.2) (5.7)      
 Net loans           1,166,228        1,254,729        1,273,301 7.4 11.1      
 Deposits           1,290,286        1,389,662        1,362,419 0.3 (1.3)      
 - Current accounts              314,710           356,855           349,490 1.0 (10.0)      
 - Saving accounts              506,426           521,041           524,741 (0.6) (3.1)      
 - Time deposits              469,151           511,767           488,188 0.8 7.7      
 Equities              311,534           311,731           329,473 4.1 2.7      
 LARs              173,415           161,936           159,099 0.2 (11.0)      
Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 2: BBRI bank-only results

 BBRI Bank-only IDR bn  Jul-24 Aug-24 Sep-24 m-m y-y YTD 2024 YTD 2023  y-y   % FY24F   FY24F 
 Interest income  13,582 13,606 13,366 -2% -1% 121,579 108,712 12% 60% 202,096
 Interest expenses  4,301 4,340 4,060 -6% 25% 38,638 26,921 44% 88% 43,909
 Net interest income  9,282 9,265 9,305 0% -9% 82,941 81,791 1% 55% 150,751
 Monthly PPOP  7,648 8,868 9,597 8% 6% 80,968 70,739 14% 70% 115,175
 Monthly provision exp  3,762 2,577 2,792 8% -24% 28,392 21,446 32% 78% 36,472
 Monthly net profit  3,171 4,788 5,466 14% 31% 41,673 39,003 7% 67% 61,848
 Comprehensive profit  3,688 5,572 6,616 19% -22% 44,528 43,410 3%    
 MoM loan growth  -0.3% 0.0% 1.1%              
 YoY loan growth  8.6% 7.1% 7.1%              
 YTD loan growth  5.0% 5.0% 6.1%              
 MoM deposit growth  -0.1% -2.5% 0.6%              
 YoY deposit growth  12.5% 6.6% 5.6%              
 YTD deposit growth  2.2% -0.3% 0.4%              
 LDR   87.0% 89.2% 89.6%              
 NIM (annualised)  6.4% 6.5% 6.5%     6.4% 6.6%      
 LLR  6.5% 6.5% 6.2%     6.7% 8.0%      
 CoC (annualised)  3.7% 2.6% 2.8%     3.2% 2.6%      
 Risk-adj NIM %  3.8% 4.7% 4.6%     4.2% 4.9%      
 CASA ratio  63% 65% 64%              
 CIR (annualised)  46% 39% 30%              
 B/S ROAE (annualised)  12.9% 19.3% 21.6%              
 B/S ROAA (annualised)  2.1% 3.2% 3.6%              
 Asset yield (annualised)  9.4% 9.5% 9.4%              
 COF (annualised)  3.5% 3.6% 3.4%              
 Leverage ratio x                  6.2               6.0               5.9              
 Cash ratio %  1.2% 1.2% 1.3%              
 LDR %                87.0             89.2             89.6  
 Loan-to-CASA %  137.4% 137.7% 139.1%
 Monthly personnel exp              2,838           2,039          2,373 -28% -7% 19,865 18,307 9%
 As % of assets                  1.9               1.3              1.6          
 3 MMA personnel as % of assets                  1.9               1.6               1.6          
Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 3: BBRI bank only vs consolidated comparison

Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 4: BBRI consolidated ratios

 BBRI Consol - Ratios %   3Q23   2Q24   3Q24   YTD 2024   YTD 2023 
 Loan ytd                      9.8                   5.6                   6.9    
 Loans q-q  4.0 2.1 1.2    
 Loans y-y  12.5 11.2 8.2    
 Deposit ytd  (1.3) 2.3 0.3    
 Deposits q-q  3.6 (1.9) (2.0)    
 Deposits y-y  13.2 11.6 5.6    
 ROAE  18.9 18.1 19.2    
 CAR  27.7 25.1 26.8    
 CIR  42.3 45.6 46.7    
 LDR  96.9 96.2 99.3    
 LLR   6.8 6.1 5.9    
 NPL %  2.9 2.9 2.7    
 NPL cov bps  230.5 211.8 216.5    
 Equity to asset ratio  16.8 15.8 16.8    
 CoC bps                  300.7               282.4               330.3             330.4             259.3
 LARs %                    13.9                 12.1                 11.8    
 LAR cov % RHS                    53.6                 56.1                 56.0    
 Restructured loans                    10.2                   7.6                   7.3    
 Gross yield                    11.1                 10.7                 11.1               11.1               10.5
 Cost of funds                      3.0                   3.7                   3.7                 3.7                 2.8
 Spread                      8.1                   7.0                   7.4                 7.3                 7.7
 Risk-adj NIM                      6.4                   5.5                   5.5                 4.8                 5.8
 NIM                      8.6                   7.5                   8.0                 8.1                 8.4
 ROAA %                      3.2                   2.8                   3.1                 3.1                 3.2
 ROAE %                    19.2                 18.4                 19.5               14.7               14.8
Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 5: BBRI dupont % of assets

BBRI Dupont % of assets 1Q23 2Q23 3Q23 4Q23 1Q24 2Q24 3Q24
 Int inc                      9.21                     9.51                 10.13                     9.87                  10.13                 9.80               10.18
 Int exp                      2.10                     2.29                   2.33                     2.75                    2.86                 2.94                 2.91
 NII                      7.11                     7.22                   7.80                     7.12                    7.27                 6.85                 7.28
 Net premium inc                      0.10                     0.10                   0.20                     0.07                    0.11                 0.18                 0.11
 NII and net premi                      7.21                     7.32                   8.00                     7.20                    7.39                 7.03                 7.38
 Total op inc                      9.77                   10.24                 10.69                   10.54                  10.43               10.33               11.67
 PPOP                      5.78                     5.43                   6.17                     5.64                    6.48                 5.62                 6.22
 Prov                      1.54                     1.53                   2.02                     1.32                    2.43                 1.88                 2.26
 PBT                      4.24                     3.90                   4.15                     4.32                    4.05                 3.73                 3.96
 NP                      3.36                     3.10                   3.16                     3.38                    3.22                 2.78                 3.12
 Assets to Equities                       6.27                     6.22                   6.00                     6.08                    6.43                 6.50                 6.14
 ROAE                    21.10                   19.29                 18.93                   20.52                  20.69               18.06               19.17
 4QMA ROAE                    18.64                   18.98                 18.76                   19.96                  19.86               19.55               19.61
 Opex                      3.99                     4.81                   4.53                     4.90                    3.94                 4.71                 5.46
 4QMA CoC                      1.55                     1.35                   1.43                     1.60                    1.82                 1.91                 1.97
Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 6: BBRI bank-only loans

 BBRI Bank-only Loans (IDRtn)   4Q19   4Q20   4Q21   4Q22   4Q23   2Q24   3Q24   Q-Q %   Y-Y %  YTD 2024 YTD 2023
 - Micro KUR                69.3             126.7             190.3             251.5             219.9             222.7               231.1 3.8 8.5 5.1 (15.3)
 - Kupedes/BriGuna              238.4             224.6             206.7             198.1             276.6             273.5               264.8 (3.2) (0.8) (4.3) 34.7
 Micro  307.7 351.3 397.0 449.6 496.6 496.2 495.8 (0.1) 3.3 (0.2) 6.7
 Consumer  140.5 143.7 149.4 161.7             190.0             198.8               203.2 2.2 10.1 7.0 14.2
 Small Comm  198.7 197.2 204.1 216.9 230.0             232.3               235.7 1.4 2.6 2.5 5.9
 Medium  21.7 20.0 20.8 21.0 35.0               41.5                 46.3 11.5 37.3 32.2 60.5
 Corporate              191.0             168.4             172.4             180.6             215.0             241.1               249.4               3.5               17.8               16.0               17.3
Total 859.6 880.6 943.7 1,029.8 1,166.6 1,209.9 1,230.4 1.7 7.9 5.5 10.7
 Loan breakdown %  4Q19 4Q20 4Q21 4Q22 4Q23 2Q24 3Q24        
 - Micro KUR                  8.1               14.4               20.2               24.4               18.8               18.4                 18.8        
 - Kupedes/BriGuna                27.7               25.5               21.9               19.2               23.7               22.6                 21.5        
 Micro                35.8               39.9               42.1               43.7               42.6               41.0                 40.3        
 Consumer                16.3               16.3               15.8               15.7               16.3               16.4                 16.5        
 Small Comm                23.1               22.4               21.6               21.1               19.7               19.2                 19.2        
 Medium                  2.5                 2.3                 2.2                 2.0                 3.0                 3.4                   3.8        
 Corporate                22.2               19.1               18.3               17.5               18.4               19.9                 20.3        
 Total              100.0             100.0             100.0             100.0             100.0             100.0               100.0        
Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 7: NPL & SML by segments

 NPLs by segment %  4Q19 4Q20 4Q21 4Q22 4Q23 2Q24 3Q24 qoq (bps) yoy (bps)
 Micro  1.2 0.8 1.5 1.7 2.5 3.0 3.0 8.0 62.0
 Consumer  1.1 1.5 1.8 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.1 (5.0) (2.0)
 Small comm  3.2 3.6 4.1 4.3 4.9 5.1 4.6 (41.0) 6.0
 Medium  5.4 4.6 3.6 2.3 2.6 1.8 1.9 19.0 (22.0)
 Corporate  5.2 7.6 6.7 4.7 3.9 3.1 2.5 (55.0) (214.0)
 Total NPL   2.6 2.9 3.1 2.8 3.1 3.2 3.0 (17.0) (19.0)
 LAR %                  9.8               28.3               24.1               17.1               12.5               12.1                 11.8 (35.8) (210.9)
 LAR Cov %                44.8               26.7               35.7               48.7               57.4               53.8                    -   (5377.2) (5258.3)
 SML by segment %   4Q19   4Q20   4Q21   4Q22   4Q23   2Q24   3Q24  qoq (bps) yoy (bps)
 Micro                  3.5                 2.5                 3.0                 4.0                 5.7                 6.9                   6.8 (5.0) 26.0
 Consumer                  2.5                 2.7                 2.2                 2.8                 2.8                 2.8                   2.9 15.0 (69.1)
 Small comm                  4.6                 3.2                 3.4                 4.3                 5.2                 6.0                   5.9 (9.0) (17.0)
 Medium                  3.0                 3.1                 3.1                 2.6                 2.5                 2.7                   4.2 146.0 275.0
 Corporate                  5.0                 2.9                 6.9                 4.3                 4.7                 4.1                   3.8 (27.0) (104.0)
 Total SML                  3.9                 2.8                 3.7                 3.9                 4.9                 5.4                   5.3 (5.0) (23.0)
Source: Company data, Verdhana research


Fig. 8: BBRI - LLR vs 12MMA WO %

Source: Company data, Verdhana research

Fig. 9: Prudent provisioning BBRI - 12MMA CoC vs 12MMA WO %

Source: Company data, Verdhana research

A rating of ‘Buy’, indicates that the analyst expects the stock to outperform the Benchmark over the next 12 months. A rating of ‘Neutral’, indicates that the analyst expects the stock to perform in line with the Benchmark over the next 12 months. A rating of ‘Reduce’, indicates that the analyst expects the stock to underperform the Benchmark over the next 12 months. A rating of ‘Suspended’, indicates that the rating, target price, and estimates have been suspended temporarily to comply with applicable regulations and/or firm policies. Securities and/or companies that are labelled as ‘Not Rated’ or ‘No Rating’ are not in regular research coverage. Benchmark is Indonesia Composite Index (‘IDX Composite’). A ‘Target Price’, if discussed, indicates the analyst’s forecast for the share price with a 12-month time horizon, reflecting in part of the analyst’s estimates for the company’s earnings, and may be impeded by general market and macroeconomic trends, and by other risks related to the company or the market in general. 

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Target price
IDR 6,300
Closing price
29 October 2024
IDR 4,700

Nicholas Santoso (

Erwin Wijaya (